Here's our list of helpful resources related to competitive programming. Feel free to suggest more!
General terms:
- OI: Olympiad in Informatics
- CP: Competitive programming
- DP: Dynamic programming
- DFS: Depth first search
- BFS: Breadth first search
- DSU: Disjoint set union
Common verdicts after submitting code solution:
- AC: Accepted code
- TLE: Time limit exceeded
- WA: Wrong answer
Learning resources
- USACO Guide: Highly recommended sequential introduction of new topics for beginners. Handy reference for everyone.
- CP-algorithms
- Codeforces catalog: A compilation of famous CF blogs on various CP topics
- Codeforces EDU
- VisuAlgo: Visualization of algos and data structures
- OI Wiki: Chinese only sadly, but comprehensive (google translate)
- CP Book: Famous book on CP, books 1-2 are free as PDF
Online judges (OJ)
(Practice websites)
- Codeforces
- AtCoder
- vjudge: Can create contests with problems from multiple OJs
- For submitting to OI contests -- IOI selection contests are good, e.g. JOI (Japan), APIO (Asia-Pacific), IOI itself
- TOKI: well-known OJ in Indonesia
- Codewars
- CodeChef
- CSES: Standard problems compilation (for practicing and finding new knowledge)
- AtCoder Educational DP contest
- 90 classical problems: Japanese only, but google translate helps
Seasonal contests
- Meta (Facebook) Hacker Cup: annual multi-round contest
- Advent of Code: casual daily problems for 25 days every December
Problem creation
(Create your own problems here!)
- Polygon: Can host problems directly on Codeforces
Problem checklist
(Maintain which problems you have solved/are working on etc)
Interview Prep
- AtCoder Lockout: also a checklist!
- Codeforces Lockout Discord bot
- Graph Editor: Useful for drawing graphs
- CP Editor: An IDE designed specifically for CP
- TLE Discord bot: Need to host yourself, but can join the AC server to use it:
- Library checker: To rigorously check your templates
- CF-Predictor: Predict Codeforces rating changes before they apply