The main contest series in which we participate is ICPC, which stands for International Collegiate Programming Contest. In it student teams of 3 travel to competitions to solve algorithmic problems under time pressure.

UW Team at ICPC Contest
Congratulations to Nathan Akkaraphab, Phawin Prongpaophan, Coach Victor Reis, and Milin Kodnongbua, who qualified for the ICPC World Finals in 2022!

ICPC Progression

A series of ICPC contests is held each year. The best teams from each contest progress to the next level. For more up-to-date instructions and announcements, please join our Discord.

1. January - UW Winter Programming Contest

Local UW Seattle Contest

2. February - Regionals

Pacific Northwest Regional Programming Contest

3. May-June - Nationals

North American Championship

4. Latter half of the year - World Finals