The main contest series in which we participate is ICPC, which stands for International Collegiate Programming Contest. In it student teams of 3 travel to competitions to solve algorithmic problems under time pressure.
ICPC Progression
A series of ICPC contests is held each year. The best teams from each contest progress to the next level. For more up-to-date instructions and announcements, please join our Discord.
1. January - UW Winter Programming Contest
Local UW Seattle Contest
- This is where everyone starts! It's a fun experience open to everyone.
- Form a team of 3, and join our Discord to learn how to sign up.
- Bring and use only 1 laptop per team.
- Internet copy-pasting allowed.
- Practice with problems from previous years.
- Our ICPC coach (and UW contest host) starting from 2024 is Milin Kodnongbua (milink@cs.washington.edu).
- Top 6 teams advance to the next level (this may change every year).
2. February - Regionals
Pacific Northwest Regional Programming Contest
- At most 1 team from each college advances to the next level.
3. May-June - Nationals
North American Championship
- The top 15 teams advance to the next level.
- Note: (There was a one-off North American Division Championship in 2021, but it is no longer being held. Now teams advance from the regionals to NAC directly.)
4. Latter half of the year - World Finals
- Competition with the best student teams on the globe.